Thursday, November 19, 2009

Good Friends

Now that Kyle has been around for awhile, I was worried that Haylee might start to get a little bit tired of having to share the attention. She started out really good and liked having a baby brother. Now that he is not really bran new anymore I thought this might change. I was wrong, I think she likes him now even more than she did then. She doesn't seem to care that I have to make her wait sometimes for things that she wants because I am busy with Kyle. She just kinda shrugs it off and is ok with it. She talks to him all the time and is constantly trying to get him to laugh. She was making silly faces at him the other day and he started to laugh at her. It was the cutest thing ever. He thinks she is pretty funny. Also a couple of times when he was crying and I wasnt right there to get him, I saw her go and get his pacifier and put it back in his mouth. One time she even went and got him a little teddy bear rattle and tried to play with him with it. She is a good little mommy. She loves to help with him, and I have even let her help me change his diaper. She uses the very tips of her fingers to touch it like its hot or something but she still tries and that is what matters.
Trying to get a picture of these two is next to impossible. Even the professional couldn't do it. I tried like twenty times to get one. Everytime Kyle smiled Haylee wasn't looking or had a silly face. And everytime Haylee was smiling, Kyle wasn't looking or looks stunned, like in the one I have on here. So when we got Kyle 3 month pictures taken I decided to try and get a good picture of them. It was pretty much the same story for her though. Their pictures were so bad I didn't end up buying any of them. They are pretty cute though, it is just hard ages for pitures I guess. But I am really glad that they are getting along so well. Haylee asked me the other day if I could go back to the hospital and get a girl this time because she wanted a baby sister now. She also told me that next time we are going to have twins, a girl and a boy. All I could say was "oh really." I guess we'll see about that one. I hope these two are always such good friends.


Kimra Bham said...

How cute! I think the picture of Haylee holding Kyle is cute :) That's great that she loves her brother so much!

Julie said...

that is a cute picture! Aend her my way, we could use her help