Thursday, March 12, 2009

Expecting baby No. 2

Well we are expecting a baby in August. I found out that I was pregnant right around my birthday (all the way back in December). It was the best birthday present ever, in fact I even told Seth that he didnt have to get me anything for my birthday. Having lost my previous pregnancy in an early miscarriage I was very very nervous about this one. I really didnt want to tell anyone or get my hopes up too high. I think that I have remained a little disconnected from this pregnancy because of that. I had an ultrasound real early in the pregnancy because I had a previous miscarriage and when I saw the little heart beating I started to cry. And now the excitement is starting to take me over. I find myself getting a little impatient (already). I can't wait to have another little bundle of joy. I have felt like our family needed another member for a while now. I always see Haylee when she is bored or begging to play with someone. I think of all the times I played with my sisters or just bugged them until they did. I wanted her to have a sibling. I can honestly say that I dont care if it is a boy or a girl and I dont have any feelings one way or another. When I was pregnant with Haylee I dont know why but I knew that she was a girl. I had no doubt about it. With this one I dont seem to have a feeling like that either way. This makes it more difficult waiting until I get to find out. I honestly dont think that I could be one of those people who wait until the baby is here to find out. I am way to impatient. We will find out the sex of the baby in just a couple of weeks and I am really excited. I still get those nervous jitters everytime I have a doctors appointment though. I just cant wait until I can feel this baby kick all the time, I think that will reassure me that everything is fine. Im going to try to take pictures weekly now so that I can see my belly grow. I thought that would be fun to look at afterward. I just hope I can stay so positive in June and July when its a hundred degrees outside and I am huge. It will all be something to laugh about later though.


templework said...

Because of your previous experience - being nervous this time is certainly understandable - hugs

Congratulations on this newest cute little project - smile

and don't hesitate to ask for a Priesthood blessing whenever you feel the need, whether it be for your's or the baby's health or spiritual peace or comfort.

((HUGS)) and prayers

Kimra Bham said...

Congratulations!!!! We're so excited for you, and it's great to hear that everything is going well so far. You'll have to keep doing updates!!! Enjoy every moment!

Julie said...

Tami the same thing happened to me before I had Lexi so feeling pregnant with her was really hard. I am glad this one is going well. So exciting! Congrats! I can't wait to hear what you are having!